I'm going to make a mention of one of our favourite bands of Angela and me. She plays it most days and must drive our hotel guests to distraction, but actually they love it as well.

The little trio is call the FB Pocket Orchestra and they play 1920's ragtime, swing jazz, or however you want to define it.

We first saw them play up in the Library of Liquor on Angela's birthday night at the Larder House and now keep catching them at Chaplins Bar (in Boscombe) where they play at the end of the month, and back at the Larder House every now and again. It's nice that they take time to chat to us when they see us, and don't think we are weirdo stalkers!

You can get their music on iTunes as well as on CD from the band themselves when you go along...

Some videos on YouTube of the band: At The Vyne 2013, at Chaplins Bar 2015.

Website: FB Pocket Orchestra

Twitter: FBPocketOrch