Had an e-mail and a word of thanks from a Cliff Russell in Ferndown who has used this web site a few times for recommendations on restaurants etc. Nice to see people, other than us daft loonies, finding this site useful. If there are others, feel free to send us a mail with any recommendations of your own and where you went and why.
Hello there,
Just a quick hello and praise for a great website you have, especially the dining out list. I live in Ferndown (near Bournemouth) and have used your advice several times previous and you were spot on with your after-thoughts about the places. I am next visiting the Oriental Garden restaurant in Bournemouth and looking forward to it. I was in Australia for a year and one morning a week we went to a great yum-cha place in Brisbane chinatown and I really miss that a lot. Anyway, thanyou again for a lovely website and wish you both all the best.

Kind Regards,