1812 Restaurant

The Royal Exeter Hotel, Exeter Road, Bournemouth ,Dorset BH2 5AG

Reservations: 01202 203 050

The cocktail bar seems to get extremely busy on a weekend. Rammed in fact.

Our meal was very nice and the place got the thumbs up from everyone. Other have been here for their Xmas meal and that was good two.

They also have a really good value 3 courses for £12 from Monday to Wednesday. Hurry as I don't know how long that will last.

a crumber with custard and ice-cream
An extremely rich and delicious tart


1812 restaurant Website

About Us


Gordon and Angela Fong - living in Southbourne, working hard, enjoying life, travelling the world, eating great food and drinking some nice tipple along the way.

Gordon Fong

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