General musings on wine and other drinks. More of an Aide-mémoire for myself rather than any kind of useful tool for anybody else. Don't expect Parker, Robinson or Goolden.
Not as cloying as you might think, although avoid the ones which are sweet for sweetness sake. Obviously these wines are suited for drinking with traditional sweet desserts but they also say that they go well with strong blue cheeses. One final thing, don't go knocking over your glass of Chateau d'Yquem in a restaurant.
Red wines. These are the best are great for relaxing and sipping. I miss my Penfolds Bin 407, as I rarely see it on the shelves now. In the meantime I can drool over their $168,000 bottle called the Penfolds Ampoule. It looks amazing.
White wines from around the world from crispy dry to full and opulent. My biggest hate has got to be the dreaded Pinot Grigio. You might say that there are some OK ones but generally in the bars they are all battery acid.
Spirits and Liqueurs from around the world. I blame all those holidays and airports for starting off my Single Malts collection.
Try some proper beers and lagers, not the brewed-under-license chemical solutions.
The good stuff should throw off the images of eldery aunts sipping in the afternoon. A crisp dry sherry with Tapas, is the way to go.
The summer alternative for red wine lovers. Always good for bar-b-ques. Difficult to pick out a classy one as most in the supermarkets are just fruity glugging stuff.
You don't need a special occasion to down some bubbly. You don't need to buy or pay over the odds for a decent bubbly either. Need to mention that some of the English growers are making some that compete with the French.