Shanghai 1814

165-168 High Street, Southampton, SO14 2NZ. Tel: 02380 330 888

After what seems such a long time since Ocean City closed its doors in Bournemouth, we have been to a local restaurant that does dim sum. It's been open about a year or so, and not local to us as such but a short drive over to Southampton. It's right in the middle of town and means running the gauntlet of weekend Ikea traffic.

Although dim sum is a food that I love, and could eat every weekend, it is a bit much every weekend, even though I love it so much! However, when you haven't had it for a while there's no stopping ordering a full table of everything.

Roast duck is always a favourite of mine and I won't order a duck and rice to share, nor order a three roast meats platter neither, because there ain't enough duck to go round. If I am being polite and wait till the plate spins round to me, there is usually nothing left or just the fatty bits. I always order half a duck on its own. I liked the duck here.

The various steamed dumpling were good as well as well as a noodle dish we've tried.

I have no issues and would recommend.

About Us


Gordon and Angela Fong - living in Southbourne, working hard, enjoying life, travelling the world, eating great food and drinking some nice tipple along the way.

Gordon Fong

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