Konavoski Komin 

ImageYou'll find this restaurant by driving up the windy roads to the top of the hill opposite Cavtat which starts at Zvekovica.

I think the place is called Velji Do in the area known as Konavle.

They specialise in cooking meat (Lamb) under a bell until it is very, very tender. We only went in May but in Summer I can imagine the tables outside the restaurant will be full. You may have to book in advance to let them know if you want their speciality. You have to give a days notice to order that style of cooking though. Everything else can be ordered on the day.

Tel: 020 479 607

Second time round we went in June. We tried to have the lamb cooked under the bell but you have to call through the day before and give notice. We all went for grill meats instead which was nice as well.

This time in June, it was 'really' hot and scorching up there. Take a hat or sit in the shaded areas.

About Us


Gordon and Angela Fong - living in Southbourne, working hard, enjoying life, travelling the world, eating great food and drinking some nice tipple along the way.

Gordon Fong

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