ImagePhotobox are doing a special for the whole of September giving 40% discount on a Photobook, which is basically and printed and bound book of photos. Starting from 20 pages, you can arrange photos using their various templates, you can add tiles and comments.

The one I got arrived in 3 days. It does take half a day or more for you to sit down, trawl through your hard drive for the ones you think you need, upload them, arrange them, and keep doing this until you are happy with the flow of pictures.

It is a really neat product. I got one for my parents but think I will keep it and get a couple more printed.

The discount means it is £12 rather than £20 + P&P.

If I refer you, you can get 40 free prints, so drop me a mail using the contact form, I will send you a referral e-mail.