13 Spittal Stree, Marlow, Bucks SL7 3HJ. Tel: 01628 473 532

Francesco's Website

I had a meeting in the area and wanted a quick lunch.

They took my order, a Primavera Salad to start and then a Fettucini Carbonara as my main.

Both came out together for whatever reason. Looks like they brought out the salad as a main course as it was pretty large and charged me the main price. I got them to take off the difference, although I did eat most of it mind.

The carbonara went back, and I suspect it was microwaved when it came back out absolutely boiling hot. Wasn't the tastiest carbonara neither. Too much oil and not enough salt.

About Us


Gordon and Angela Fong - living in Southbourne, working hard, enjoying life, travelling the world, eating great food and drinking some nice tipple along the way.

Gordon Fong

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