Glamorous Chinese Restaurant

Wing Yip Business Centre
1st & 2nd Floor
Oldham Road
M4 5HU

I couldn't be bothered to wait around Chinatown in the centre of Manchester and Googled this place. I did a bit of shopping first at the Wing Yip before getting to the restaurant around 11.30am. The place said it opened at 11.30am but there were already plenty of tables sat down when I turned up.

By 12pm the place was practically full. Be warned, get there early to get a parking space and a table!

This place has the dim sum trolleys going around the place. If you can't speak Chinese, like I don't, they will thrust a printed card for you to read and point at, nice!

The dumplings were big. It wasn't huge on taste though.

Website: Glamorous Chinese Restaurant

About Us


Gordon and Angela Fong - living in Southbourne, working hard, enjoying life, travelling the world, eating great food and drinking some nice tipple along the way.

Gordon Fong

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